The Story

Just a few hours after leaving her home for work, a man invaded her home. Thanks to her video doorbell she caught the man on camera. The victim and her children are lucky that they were not home when the unknown man decided to enter their home during morning hours.

Caught on Cam: Daylight home invasion has NKY woman on edge

“BOONE COUNTY, Ky. (WXIX) – A home break-in was caught on camera in Walton Thursday morning.

Sarah Creekmore says she immediately called the Boone County Sheriff’s Office when she saw the whole thing play out on her Ring camera around 8:45 a.m. Deputies arrived fewer than four minutes later.

The sheriff’s office is searching for the man seen on video entering Creekmore’s home.

She says if he had come an hour earlier, her children would have been home. But they were at school when it happened, and she was at work.” From the original story reported on Fox19

Fear of being watched and what would have happened if she or her children were home haunt the victim. Sarah Creekmore is so thankful to have the technology to show the man entering her home for two reasons: first, she now knows that she will need to take precautions against further home invasions. Second, the man’s face is shown in the video.

What Can We Learn

Always lock your doors. This invasion could have happened with or without the residents being home. Lock your doors when you leave and lock them when you are home. If you have the means, get a video doorbell or other security in place. Even a simple, low-cost alarm will deter an invader and let the neighbors know something is wrong. Watch the video HERE to see how easily this man was able to enter the home of the victims.

The post Man Invaded Home During Daylight in Kentucky appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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