50 Congressmen Call Biden’s Move to End Retail Sales of Ammo from Lake City a ‘Politically Sanctioned Semi-Auto Rifle Ban’

[ED: See TTAG’s earlier articles on the Biden administration’s attempt to shut down commercial sales of ammunition produced at Lake City here, here, and here.]

Rep. Vicky Hartzler has released the following statement . . .

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) and Congressman Sam Graves (R-Mo.), along with 48 of their House Republican colleagues, led the call urging President Biden to immediately end consideration of banning commercial production of certain types of 5.56 caliber ammunition at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Missouri.

Continue reading 50 Congressmen Call Biden’s Move to End Retail Sales of Ammo from Lake City a ‘Politically Sanctioned Semi-Auto Rifle Ban’ at The Truth About Guns.


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