The Story

Imagine you are spending a Sunday evening in your home just going about your day. There is nothing out of the ordinary going on, in fact, this is one of those days you are bound to forget. You run errands, cook, clean, and watch a few episodes of your favorite show. Business as usual. Then, someone breaks into your home and you end up in the hospital after an intruder shoots you with your own gun.

Woman is Hospitalized After Being Shot with Her Own Gun

A woman and her daughter were in their home on a typical Sunday night when everything changed. A stranger broke into their home and got into a physical altercation with the woman. She fought with all she had while her daughter stood by helpless. The woman knew what she had to do, she had a tool at her disposal that could save her life. She grabbed her gun and prepared to continue fighting. However, she was not successful. The intruder grabbed the gun and shot the woman. After, she turned the gun on the young girl and held her hostage. Thankfully, the police arrived and the young girl was unharmed.

Read the full story from LA Times

What Can We Learn?

I am so thankful that this woman is in the hospital and in stable condition. This already terrifying story could have been even worse. This woman knew that she needed to have some way to protect herself and her child so she got a gun. Unfortunately for her, she was not as prepared as she had thought. I cannot stress enough the importance of training. Having a gun is not enough by any means. You need to have the confidence and the skills to use your gun AND to prevent anyone else from getting ahold of it.

The post Woman Shot with Own Gun appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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