The Story

Spending days outdoors getting fresh air, exercise, and quality time with yourself is so important. What better way to do that than by going to the local park? Usually, this is a great plan. However, as usual, you must be prepared for anything. Going to the park will very rarely turn dangerous and you should not live in continuous fear that it may. But if a threat emerges you need to have a plan. One woman learned this after being sexually assaulted in a park in the middle of the day.

Woman Sexually Assaulted in busy Park in Midafternoon

“The Baton Rouge Police Department said Friday the incident happened shortly after 2 p.m. Wednesday at Forest Community Park on South Harrells Ferry Road.

Officers told WBRZ a woman was walking along a park trail when she was attacked by a man. A source said they saw the woman covered in blood and bruises, screaming for help after the assault.

A concerned mother who lives in the area says her daughter walks the trails every week. “I could not believe that it happened right here in our neighborhood. We thought it was a safe place to be.”

She and other park goers now fear for their safety, noting that there is hardly any security on site.”

Read the full story from WBRZ 2

What Can We Learn?

As I have said, you do not need to live in fear.  However, you need to know that threats *can* happen almost anywhere at almost anytime and know what to do should something happen. Keep your eyes open and stay aware of your surroundings. When you’re exercising outdoors don’t wear headphones that deplete your ability to hear those around you. Look around and at other people, not the ground. If you look aware you are less of an easy target. Have some kind of self-defense tool with you that you are comfortable using in case of emergency.

The post Sexually Assaulted in a Park appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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