DEATH AND TAXES: Help Your Family Value Your Guns and Safely Sell Unwanted Firearms and Accessories

Mark Twain once famously noted that the only certainties in life are death and taxes.  We’re all going to die someday, some of us sooner than others. Which is why it is important to prepare ahead of that eventuality by helping your loved ones identify and value your firearms collection.

Like all of us, I know a lot of guys who buy guns that their wives know nothing about. I know even more whose wives know about their guns in only a peripheral sense, but don’t really know much more than “There are a lot of guns in that safe.”

Just as men may not know how much used purses or jewelry might be worth, a lot of women aren’t up on firearm values.

Continue reading DEATH AND TAXES: Help Your Family Value Your Guns and Safely Sell Unwanted Firearms and Accessories at The Truth About Guns.


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