The Story

There are so many horror stories out there about home invasions, robberies, assaults, and all kinds of things we don’t want to think about. You hear about people fighting back and, when things go well, succeeding in preventing a crime. You also hear about those where the criminal succeeds. What about the stories where a crime is attempted but stopped before it is committed?

Attempted Home Invasion Stopped Before Any Harm Done

This week, the Windsor Square Association sent an alert to all residents urging vigilance in the neighborhood after a two suspects attempted a home invasion robbery on Monday at 11 a.m. on the 100 block of North Plymouth Blvd. Fortunately, the perpetrators left the scene when confronted by the homeowner, and no one was injured. According to SSA Security, a similar incident occurred on Norton Avenue several days earlier.

LAPD Senior Lead Office Joe Pelayo and SSA Security have both confirmed the incidents, though it is not clear if they are connected. Residents are urged to … report any suspicious activity “such as fully covered (clothed, hatted, masked) individuals venturing into a neighbor’s yard” to LAPD.”

Originally reported by Larchmont Buzz

What Can We Learn?

Wow, what a relief! This family was able to prevent a home invasion just by confronting the would-be invaders! Now, this will not always be the case. Sometimes a confrontation will scare the criminals away. Having the confidence to do so can be very intimidating. Sometimes confronting a criminal can be dangerous so you need to prepare yourself in case that happens. Also, even if you think “no harm, no foul”, you still need to report the almost-crime. This may help others in the surrounding areas.

The post Attempted Home Invasion Thwarted appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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