The Story

There are so many dangers out there. People who want what you have. Others who want to harm you for their own pleasure. We have ways to protect ourselves out in the world but we also need to learn that this protection should also be used in our homes. This is the case for the woman awoken by robbers in her home.

Two Men Arrested After Assault and Home Invasion

“AKRON, Ohio (WOIO) – Akron police arrested two men overnight after officers said they broke into a woman’s home while she was sleeping and held her at gunpoint.

According to police, the home invasion took place at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday in the 1500 block of Tyler Street.

The victim told officers she was awoken by two men, who assaulted her, demanded money and later fled in her car.

Officers said they arrested Kyzai Green, 18, of Canton, and Tearle Turner, 31, of Alliance, following a short foot chase and use of the K-9 Unit.

They were taken into custody after officers spotted the victim’s car parked in a driveway on Vernon Odom Boulevard.”

Reported by Cleveland19

What Can We Learn?

Was there anything that surprised you about this story? There was something that struck me. This woman did not wake up at the sound of men breaking into her home. She did not wake up to an alarm or the sound of men moving through her home. The men, who were already in her room, woke her as they assaulted her. The shocking thing about this is that there was no warning for her prior to the assault. Yes, having alarms on your doors and windows would help but criminals are not always loud and disruptive. There is not always a clear warning. They can be quiet and sneaky when they want to be. Knowing this, you need to take all the precautions you can to avoid criminals taking you by surprise.

The post Woman Awoken by Robbers appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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