Holidays are a Time for Giving but Many Take Advantage

We all want to think the best about people around the holidays. People are in a festive and giving mood during this time of year. Those in need receive extra help, organizations give more and more, and the number of donations to charitable organizations rises. Unfortunately, with all of this love and outpouring of charity, there are those that will take advantage. It is important to remember that you may have the holiday spirit but not everyone feels the same. However, criminals are still criminals.

Holiday Safety Tips

The National Neighborhood Watch has published a list of great tips to keep yourself, your belongings, and your family safe! From tips for safety when you are home and when you are away, porch pirates, keeping decorations safe, and more. I have added a few tips from the article that I want to share. Read the full article for all the great tips.

  • Make sure all doors and windows have secondary locks (window pins, deadbolts, dowels, etc.) and use them!
  • Don’t hide spare keys in mailboxes or planters, or under doormats.
  • Ensure that dark areas and entrances have outdoor lights that are turned on after dark or are activated by sensors.
  • Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed so they do not conceal doors and windows. Remember, overgrown foliage can provide a hiding place for criminals.
  • Install a Security Camera
  • Get Your Packages Delivered to Your Office
  • Don’t advertise expensive toys, electronics, or other gifts received by the boxes left for garbage collections. Compress large boxes and place them in black garbage bags for pick-up.

What Can We Learn?

Don’t turn into a grinch this holiday season. There are so many amazing people in this world! However, on the off chance that you do come across a criminal, take the necessary steps to protect yourself. Crime spikes during December and surrounding months and taking precautions can help you avoid being a victim of holiday crime. Take care of yourself and follow these helpful tips! Read my previous article on protecting yourself from holiday crime

The post Holiday Crime Safety Tips appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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