Two States Pass Constitutional Carry Law

Count this as a win for the 2A community! Two states, Ohio and Alabama, pass constitutional carry law. What does this mean? This means that residents of those states do not have to have a license to carry a concealed firearm. “Constitutional carry empowers law-abiding citizens who are already otherwise eligible to obtain a carry permit to exercise their right-to-carry without having to go through government red tape and delays.” from NRA ILA

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey had this to say:

‘”Unlike states who are doing everything in their power to make it harder for law-abiding citizens, Alabama is reaffirming our commitment to defending our Second Amendment rights,” Ivey said in a statement after she signed the measure on Thursday. “I have always stood up for the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and I am proud to do that again today.”

“With Alabama included, there are now 22 “constitutional carry” states in America. Most recently, Iowa and Texas implemented similar measures. Last month, a Georgia Senate committee approved a bill that would allow gun owners to carry their firearms in public without a permit.” Reported by Fox News 

Constitutional Carry and What that Means for Women

Two states passing a constitutional carry law is huge. As a result, almost half of the states in our amazing country will allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms. Why is this such a win? This shows us that the fight to protect our Second Amendment is going strong. Women can now carry responsibly in almost half of our country without the added expense or having to go through hoops to get a concealed carry license! Celebrate this one, ladies. Good things are happening!

The post Two States Pass Constitutional Carry Law appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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