The Story

After a long day, what is better than a nice, hot shower? If there are no surprises, very few things! However, what if you are showering and a stranger enters your home and assaults you? This happened to an unsuspecting woman in New Jersey recently.

Woman Showering Is Groped From Behind by Naked Man in NJ Home Invasion

“A woman was showering inside her New Jersey home when a naked man allegedly groped her from behind during a home invasion before running off, according to police.

The incident occurred just after 10 p.m. on April 14 in the area of Andria Avenue in Hillsborough, town police said. The woman told detectives that she was in the shower when the man made his way inside her home, then took off his clothes and allegedly attempted to join her in the shower.

The man grabbed her from behind, Hillborough Township Police said, but the woman was able to fight him off. The man then fled the bathroom and left the home, exiting possibly through a screen door, according to police.

The woman, who was not hurt, told police the man was between the ages of 18-24, thin with short dark hair, with no body or facial hair. She was able to provide a sketch to police, which they later released in hopes of getting a lead on the incident.

No arrests have yet been made, and an investigation is ongoing.”

Reported by NBC4 

What Can We Learn?

Wow! What a terrifying thought! You are in your home, your safe haven, and you are taking a shower. A man enters your home and violates you and your privacy. What could she have done in this situation? Well, we don’t know if all of her doors and windows were locked or if she has an alarm system. However, these are some of the things you can do to prevent home invasions or at least warn you of an intruder. She was able to fight him off. She kept her wits about her and perhaps even used everyday items as tools in her fight. Go for soft areas such as an attacker’s eyes or throat.  You should feel safe in your home but you should not feel like nothing can happen in your home, always be ready. Stay safe ladies!

The post Woman Groped in Shower by Intruder appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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