The Story: Neighbors react to news of naked man shot, killed after attacking Lizella woman on lawnmower

A Georgia woman was attacked earlier this month while mowing her lawn. She was minding her own business and trying to get some tasks done around her home when a man tackled her while she was on her riding lawnmower. Apparently, the 25-year-old man was running through the woods in a rural area and saw an opportunity to attack. Not only was the man running through the woods in a usually safe and quiet area, but he was also naked.

During his furious attempt to take the woman’s clothes off the husband ran onto the lawn and attempted to help his wife. The attacker proceeded to violently fight off the husband and then went right back to pawing at the woman. Finally, the husband went inside to grab a gun to protect his wife. The attacker was shot at the scene and died at the hospital later that day.

What the Neighbors Said

“Burns has lived in the neighborhood on Trophy Place with his wife for about five years. He says it’s normally quiet and they feel safe. “She goes out every night with her three dogs, walks around the block after dark. Real unusual — all the neighbors know each other. It’s usually quiet back here,” said Burns.

“We’re all packing — even her — so if somebody comes in the house, we have ways to protect ourselves,” said Burns.”

Read the original story from 13WMAZ

What Can We Learn?

Wow. This story made me extremely uncomfortable! What strikes me is the fact that these people lived in a “quiet, rural area” that rarely sees crime. This crime is very strange and unusual so it makes it even more absurd. Even when you are in a place where you rarely see attacks or home invasions, be prepared for anything. People are so unpredictable and even something as mundane as mowing your lawn can turn into a strange and scary tale.

I’m glad to hear she is now carrying,  but sadly, for many, it takes being attacked and surviving to make this change.

The post Woman Attacked While Mowing Lawn appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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