The Story

A woman tells harrowing details of a home invasion. Not only did the man attack her, but he also attacked a friend visiting as well. She was sitting home on a normal Thursday evening when her life changed. Read the details below.

Woman Details Home Invasion After Suspect Arrested

“A Louisville man is behind bars after authorities said he attacked two women during a home invasion on Thursday.

One of the women, whose identity is being withheld for safety concerns, said she walked into the nightmare while visiting a friend at her house on Gardiner Lane.

“She just had a weird look on her face that something was wrong, and then out steps a man with a gun and walks towards me and puts it right to my forehead,” she said.

According to her, Jewell Ashby acted as if he was handing the homeowner a business card through the front door, then forced his way inside.

While there, police said Ashby pistol-whipped a 59-year-old woman who suffers from multiple sclerosis and bound the second woman’s hands and feet with sweaters while he robbed the house.

“I did hear two cracks when he hit her with the gun on the right side of the head,” the woman said. “I was hogtied in one room when he was still with her in another room, you can hear it being ransacked, and then he pushed her out of the wheelchair, and I can hear her say, “Please don’t, I can’t walk.”

Police said Ashby stole the women’s phones and a handicapped-accessible van. They later spotted the van in the Phoenix Hill neighborhood and chased Ashby until he crashed into a utility pole on Clay Street. He was arrested on multiple charges, including first-degree robbery, burglary, and unlawful imprisonment.”

Originally reported by WLKY

What Can We Learn?

First, always be on your guard when someone you don’t know is at your door. You do not know if the person is totally harmless or if they have nefarious plans. Keep your door locked at all times. You must verify that it is someone you are expecting or personally know. If you can’t,  then don’t open the door.

If someone needs to give you a business card, ask them to leave it at the door. Then you can grab it later. If that person gives you grief about not opening the door, you can guess that they don’t have your best interests at heart. Have a plan in case someone attempts to break in while you’re home. Have your phone (and gun if you have one) with you anytime you go to the door and know what you will do if something goes awry.  Having a plan and being prepared are so important.

The post Woman Details Terrifying Break-in appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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