The Story

A man and woman meet at the gas station, strike up a conversation and exchange numbers. They decide later that day to meet up at the man’s home. This sounds like the beginning of an adorable rom-com or a horror film. Unfortunately for the woman, her story is closer to the latter. The man met her and exchanged numbers for the mere chance to get her to his home and kill her for the thrill of it.

Man Kidnaps Woman to Kill her for the Thrill

“A man in North Carolina faces multiple charges after officials said he kidnapped a woman for the purpose of mutilating and murdering her. The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office said 24-year-old Hunter Chase Nance was arrested Wednesday. Police said they were contacted by a woman who claimed she was attacked by Nance. She reportedly told officers Nance came up to her at a gas station, and the two exchanged phone numbers.

Later that day, deputies said Nance offered to pick her up and take her back to his home on Peaceful Lane in China Grove. When the two arrived at his home, the woman told officers Nance locked the door before attacking her with a knife. According to authorities, the woman was able to get hold of the knife and bend it before escaping the home.

Community members saw the injured woman walking down the road and called first responders. Deputies said Nance told them he chose the woman randomly and planned to kill her “for the thrill.” He reportedly told them he wanted to mutilate and leave her body out for passing cars to see.”

Exerpt from article written and published by KSLA12

What Can We Learn?

What can you even say about this? I am so thankful that the survivor fought back. She did not allow him to complete his sick fantasy and was able to get out and get help. For that, I commend her. However, knowing that she trusted a complete stranger enough to go to his home is deeply upsetting. In this day and age, we must be careful. If you want to meet someone new, that is ok! Just be smart about it. Tell someone where you will be and when you should be back home. Meet the new person in a public place until you know them well enough to go to a private place. Please be careful, be vigilant, be safe.

The post Man Wanted to Kill for the Thrill appeared first on The Well Armed Woman.


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